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dialog(ue)[ 5dailCg] n. 1.[U,C]对话:Most plays are written in dialogue. 大多数戏剧都是用对话写的。2.[C,U]意见交换

diamond[5daiEmEnd,5daimEnd] n.[U,C]钻石金刚石:The ring has a large diamond in it. 这枚戒指上镶着个大钻石。

diary[5daiEri] n. 1.[C]日记:I keep a diary of my work. 我记工作日记。2.[C]日记簿记事簿

【说明】表示写日记英语通常用keep a diary有时也用write a diaryI keep [write] a diary in English. 我用英语写日记。

dictation[dik5teiFEn] n. [C,U]听写:We’ll have a dictation today. 我们今天要听写了。/ Hand in your dictations, please. 请把你们的听写交来。/ The teacher gave us two French dictations today. 老师今天给我们作了两次法文听写。


dictionary[5dikFEnEri] n.[C]词典字典:an English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典 / a dictionary of place names 地名词典 / You can look the word up in the dictionary. 你可以在词典里查这个词。

【说明】汉语说查字典英语一般用look up a word in the dictionaryconsult a dictionary

die[dai] v. 1.死:People, animals and plants will die if they don’t have water. 人和动植物没有水就会死亡。2.渴望巴不得马上:He is dying for something to eat. 他极想弄点东西吃。■1. die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息渐弱:The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声消失在远处。2. die down (慢慢)熄灭平静下来:The fire died down. 火慢慢熄了。3. die out (家族、习俗、观念等)灭绝绝迹:Many old customs are dying out. 许多旧习俗正在消失。

【说明】表示死因时其后可接介词fromofHe died from a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。/ Her grandfather died of cancer. 她祖父死于癌症。

 diet[daiEt] n. 1.[C,U]饮食食物:The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去以吃马铃薯为主。2.[C]特种饮食保健食谱:go on a diet 节食 v.节食吃限定食物:You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。on a diet 用规定食谱节食:People who are on a diet mustn’t have chocolate. 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。

differ[d] vi. 1.相异有区别:Tastes differ. 人各有所好。/ Wisdom differs from cunning. 智慧不同于狡猾。2.不同意持异议:I’m sorry to differ from you about [on, over] this question. 对不起关于这个问题我与你的看法不同。

【说明】表示“与…有区别”后接介词from;表示“与…意见不同”可后接介词fromwithSteel differs from iron. 钢与铁不同。/ He always differs with [from] me about how to spend the vacation. 有关如何度假的事他和我的意见总是不和。

difference[5difErEns] n.1.[C,U]不同差别差异:There is much difference in character between the two men. 这两个人在性格上有很大差别。2.[C]不同意见分歧 make a (no) difference (没有)差别(没有)影响(不起)重要作用:The sea air has made a difference to her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。

different[5difErEnt] adj.不同的有差异的:There are three different answers. 有三种不同的答案。/ Mary is different from [than, to] Jane. 玛丽和简不同。

【说明】表示“与…不同”英国英语可后接to美国英语可后接than但两者均不如用from 普遍。但是当后接一个句子(没有引导词)通常用than但是若是一个以what引导的从句则也可用fromtoShe is quite different from [to] what we thought.She is quite different than we thought. 她跟我们原来想象的大不一样。

difficult[5difikElt] adj. 1.困难的:I find it difficult to do the job well. 我发现做好这件事不容易。2.不易相处的:a difficult child 难对付的孩子 / Don’t be difficult; just lend us the money. 别难为人了还是把钱借给我们吧。

【说明】表示做某事有困难通常用It is difficult to do sthIt’s difficult (for me) to answer the question. ()回答这个问题是困难的。这类句型的主语通常是it不能是具体的人或事物除非这个人或物与其后的不定式有动宾关系(且这个不定式必须用主动式表示被动意义)English is difficult to learn. 英语难学。/ He is difficult to work with. 他不好共事。但不能说He is difficult to learn English.


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